As the world’s largest floriculture crop roses of course dominate the IFTF. In 2019 however, the South African Fynbos was beautifully showcased at a few stands and stood out as something uniquely different. Coloriginz had an outstanding stand. Other stands showcasing Proteaceae were AFG together with Flora United Portugal, Afrex, Morgan Cargo as well as Floratoscana. At the same time as the IFTF is the Aalsmeer Trade show which showcases products grown by suppliers of the auction as well as other products of value to the floriculture industry.
The Dutch auctions have always been an important hub for the sale of South African Fynbos and with close to 50% of Fynbos cutflowers being sold in Europe and Russia (Cape Flora statistics November 2019) this remains an important hub. The auction allows Fynbos products to be exposed to a wide community of flower buyers who have the choice of 40000 different varieties of flowers and plants through the auctions. Fortunately, the auctioneers are assigned different product groupings and are very knowledgeable about the flowers they are dealing with.
Although Aalsmeer is the largest auction in Europe covering an area of approximately 220 soccer fields there are four other auctions in Holland and one in Germany. With the fast development of internet as well as globalisation the auctions are having to adjust. Some of the auctions already do not have physical products coming onto the auction floor. There is also the option for buyers to buy remotely from the comfort of their own offices.
Buyers can view the product before the auction starts. Here they can check the quality and quantities that will be on auction that day. Quality inspectors do spot checks on products. Any quality issues are noted on the clock for buyers to see.
It is incredible to experience the atmosphere and logistics at Aalsmeer. Hundreds of orange motorized vehicles move around at speed taking the 270000 trolleys after being purchased to the buyers area. From here they are quickly distributed usually within 24 hours. This is done through a computerised system with the trolleys travelling on rail-like tracks to their end destination.
Floraholland recognises two products as options for the compulsory pre-treatment of Proteaceae before auctioning; Chrysal® Grow 40 and Florissant® 830 at 10 mL.L-1.
See the full list of VBN stipulated pre-treatments: